All posts by James

James worked on-and-off as an LPN for over 20 years. In 2014 he completed a bridge program and became an RN. James became a hospice nurse in January 2015. He lives in the Kansas City area with his wife of over 30 years, 4 daughters and 2 sons in law.

Friendly Advice For A New Clinical Manager

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A former coworker messaged me recently to let me know she had taken her first clinical director position. She asked if I had any advice for her. I can get pretty wordy when asked these types of questions, so I decided to share my thoughts with……everyone!

I have been in hospice leadership since the fall of 2017 which is four-and-a-half years as of this writing. My first leadership position was as a clinical director. The official title was PCM or Patient Care Manager. I don’t look back on those 16 months with a lot of affection. I do feel I learned a lot. Much of the advice I plan to offer in this article is a direct result of my first two years in hospice leadership.

1. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes

You are going to mess up. Just accept it now. The fear of making a mistake can become detrimental to your success. Letting the fear of making mistakes control you will result in a toxic environment for your staff. When mistakes happen, those who fear them will look for an outlet. They will start to blame their own supervisors, or even worse, blame their staff.

When things go well, give credit to your staff. When things go poorly, look at yourself first. Mature leaders are always concerned with their own growth in the role. They are quick to examine themselves when things are not going well. They don’t look for excuses or blame others. They realize that leadership comes with a certain level of accountability, and they don’t take that responsibility for granted.

Leaders who never mess up are not adventurous enough. Be an authentic and adventurous leader. Your team will love you for it.

2. Establish boundaries early

Okay, this really got the best of me in my first couple of leadership positions. I wish I could say that I have mastered healthy boundaries. I have come to the conclusion that healthy boundaries are a continual challenge for all of us in hospice. When your job is literally about life and death, with death as the expected outcome, boundaries will always be a challenge. Especially if you operate with your heart first, as I tend to do.

The boundaries you will need to implement as a clinical director are more staff related than patient related. This isn’t to say that a clinical director doesn’t make patient visits anymore. If you work for a smaller hospice, then you will likely still make your share of patient visits. The boundaries I’m talking about revolve around how your clinical staff treat you.

I like to create a relaxed more casual environment. I love sarcastic humor. I like to make self-deprecating jokes to help the room relax. My issue was that I allowed my staff to create nick names for me that I felt eventually caused a certain level of disrespect. Eventually, my laid back style resulted in my staff treating me with a level of disrespect. My “nice guy” persona turned into more of a ”we can just run over him” type of environment.

Since then, I have learned where to draw my boundaries. I no longer tolerate being called ”Jimmy” by my staff. This has made a huge difference in my most recent position. My current boss knows all too well about my previous challenges with my lax environment. She won’t call me Jimmy. She might joke in private about it, and we will have a laugh over it, but she knows it won’t serve me well. She makes sure I get the respect I deserve. She’s the absolute best.

There are plenty other boundaries to have with your staff. I can’t list them all here. The first place to start is making sure you are given the appropriate amount of respect. You earned this role. It’s okay to stay confident.

3. Protect your staff

I am so proud of my current director. Just like so many other hospice providers across the country, we suffered some staffing problems in the last few weeks. Smartly, my administrator put a pause on admissions until we could hire the needed help. Many hospice providers will not do this. They will force leadership to get out into the field and take a caseload. This is a dangerous activity. When leadership is out in the field, there is no support for the staff. When the administrator and clinical director are out in the field, their work does not get done. There is no backup for administrators. When they don’t do their work, nobody does.

The other side of the coin is this: Patients who are currently on service deserve excellent care. This means that leadership must make sure patients get the visits they need. To do this, leadership will have to get out from behind the desk and make visits when situations dictate. If leadership is going to allow admits during a staffing crisis, they will need to get out into the field and make visits. Long days and nights come with the job sometimes. Don’t let your staff drown in visits because you are in leadership and somehow that means you don’t have to get out from behind your desk.

The best way to get respect from your team is to get out there in the field and deal with the same challenges they face every day. They will respect you for it.

4. Pursue excellence not perfection

This is not an easy concept to assimilate. When reading the headline, the first response is, ”of course, that makes perfect sense,” but the more you think about it, the harder it is to define the difference. We can quickly agree that excellence is a good thing, but how is it different than perfection?

To do this we need to examine our own imperfections. We have to realize that perfection is a place while excellence is an activity. Nobody will ever achieve perfection, but we can all be excellent. This means that we can strive every day to just be better than we were yesterday.

“Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing.”

Harriet Braiker

As you settle into a new position as a clinical director, it will become real tempting to be critical of field staff. As the months progress, it’s easy to forget how busy the days can become in the field. It’s easy to forget about the phone calls. It’s easy to forget about the emotional drain field staff experience every day. The family anxiety. The infighting between family members, and how field staff can easily get drawn in. The rooms full of crying family members as they adjust to the idea that someone they love is nearing the end of their life.

When sitting behind a desk, it’s easy to just start focusing on what isn’t getting done. Nobody is going to end every day getting 100% of everything done. Be ready to eccept a little bit of imperfection. The days can get really long. Don’t expect perfection from yourself or those you are responsible for. Realize we are all imperfect. The goal is to make sure we are all just trying to get better every day. That is excellence, and we should all attempt to be excellent.

5. Be consistent

This may be the hardest thing of all. This requires we keep track of all our decisions to make sure we aren’t wishy-washy.

What does this mean? This means everyone gets the same amount of PTO. If someone needs to take a half day off, they have to use their PTO. We can’t just let them bail on half the caseload for the day and run a few errands because, ”They work hard and I really like them.” Sorry, we have PTO for a reason.

This means everyone is expected to follow the rules set forth by leadership. If your company requires all documentation be done within 24hrs that goes for everyone. Even the ones who like to snap at you when you hold them accountable.

I’ll be honest with you. I have the hardest time with this one. I generally don’t like confrontation. The more irritable someone is, the more tempted I am to let them get away with stuff. I just don’t want the fight, so I can tend to let people misbehave.

Don’t be the old James. Be the new James. Be consistent.

6. Don’t gossip

Gossip is death and destruction for any organization. I would encourage you to follow the advice Tom Hanks gives his team in Saving Private Ryan when they ask him about complaining. He explains that complaints go up the command chain and never down.

For clinical directors, this means you discuss your frustrations with your own superiors. You never share your frustrations with your clinical team. You need to show your whole team that you trust and believe in them. If you share your frustrations with other staff, you are sending them the message that you will also talk about them when they aren’t in the room.

You will also have a lot of private information about your staff. You will likely know private problems and health issues your staff are facing. It is your moral and legal obligation to keep it to yourself.

It can feel powerful to have lots of little secrets. It’s tempting to share those secrets. Don’t do it. Your staff deserve better, and it will just create problems you won’t be able to solve.

7. Support your superiors publicly

Passing on bad or unpleasant news to your staff is not fun. As clinical director this is going to happen. Someone in leadership is going to require you to implement something that you know your staff is not going to like. It is going to be real tempting to deliver the news and villainize your boss hoping it will lessen the heat your team will put back on you. This is a horrible plan. It will not help you take your team where you want them to go. Instead, take the following advice from Andy Stanley.

Public loyalty buys you private leverage. Criticize privately, praise publicly. Your boss and colleagues will respect you. Flip it and they’ll fire you or never trust you.

Andy Stanley

There is an important strategy to the quote above. The more you support your superiors publicly, the more influence you will have with them privately. If you are critical of your leadership to your staff, it will get back to your direct supervisor one way or the other. They will stop trusting you, and when you take ideas to them, they will wonder what your alterior motives are. They will wonder how you got to your conclusion. They may discount you out of hand because you might have gotten the idea while bashing them to your team.

Support your leaders publicly, and they will be more likely to listen to you in private.

Welcome to the middle. It’s not easy and it isn’t always very glamorous. Your goal is to have as much influence and trust with everyone as you possibly can. The only way to build a healthy organization is through these two concepts. Without building influence and trust, your office will be unsteady and full of turmoil. This is bad for you, bad for your staff and ultimately bad for your patients.

Episode Ten: On-Call Strategies With Tania

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In this episode I have the distinct pleasure of interviewing Tania. She has over a decade of weekend on-call experience. This interview is filled to the brim with practical advice for success with your on-call visits.

Tania shares with us how she ended up becoming a hospice on-call nurse and how it works for her family.

We address the 7 following subjects:

  1. Establish why you are making the visit with the family
  2. Identify the type of visit (Only 3 real categories)
  3. Car Stock Ideas
  4. Documentation
  5. How to separate family from work on the weekends
  6. How to handle challenging environments
  7. Tania’s favorite resource for families

My two favorite quotes from the interview.

”Sometimes, you end up where you need to be,” and ”No visit is ever wasted.”

My favorite part of this interview was the very end. Tania shares with us how she uses Barbara Karnes’ Blue Book for her families when she visits. This is the most powerful and intentional use of this book I have ever seen. I plan to implement this strategy starting this very week!

As always don’t be afraid to reach out to me personally should you have any questions or show requests.

Phone feedback line: 816-834-9191

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Episode Nine: Put Down The Glass

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In this episode I share why it has been exactly one month since I published my last episode. I also explain why it might be a few more weeks before my next episode.

Most of this episode was shared without extensive notes and just an outline. The outline was 3 simple points.

  1. Turn off your phone
  2. Don’t have favorites
  3. it’s not about you (or me)

I recommend 2 books with one of the books also available as an audio message by Andy Stanley.

Choosing To Cheat – Renamed ”When work and family collide”

Audio Message

I also highly recommend ”Boundaries” by Henry Cloud and John Townsend.

As always I highly encourage you to check out my ”Avoiding Hospice Burnout Series” page for all my articles related to hospice nursing burnout.

As promised here is the youtube video I played during the show.

As always don’t be afraid to reach out to me personally should you have any questions or show requests.

Phone feedback line: 816-834-9191

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Episode Eight: My Sacred Activity

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During this episode I read a portion of an email I received from a listener when I asked her if she had any questions I could build a show around. In that email she asks me what my sacred activity is.

After much thought, I have decided to share my sacred activity during this episode.

The truth is that I am completely incapable of doing this complex and emotional work under my own power. This work can be overwhelming to the mind and soul at times. In this episode I explain how my faith and spiritual practices help me provide the kind of medical care and emotional support my patients and their caregivers deserve.

I also promise to upload a sermon series that really helped me balance my faith with my work habits. That series can be accessed HERE. I have also added it as a menu item on my website.

I explain in detail the following 6 concepts I try to employ every day to the the best I can be.

  1. Repetition is a mode of learning.
  2. I try to remain in constant contact with my own brokenness.
  3. I try to always see what someone can become instead of what they currently are.
  4. I remind myself daily that all persons have eternal value and existence.
  5. I remember that I can leave all my fears and concerns at my place of worship.
  6. I can’t always control outcomes, and I will never survive this work if I try.

I also share the two following quotes by C.S. Lewis

Highlighted Text Below

As always don’t be afraid to reach out to me personally should you have any questions.

Phone feedback line: 816-834-9191

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Episode Seven: Find Your Sacred Activity

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In this episode we interview Kris, who is the creator and administrator of the Hospice Nursing Support Group on Facebook.

Kris shares some very interesting statistics regarding this group. We also review a few of the group rules to help provide some context for present and future members. Kris shares her experience with another Facebook group and how she helped that group be more successful.

Towards the end of the show Kris shares some very personal experiences over the last 2 years while working on a COVID unit. She shares one of her strategies that has helped her cope and adjust from the experience.

Kris also shares with us her love of horses.

As promised she also sent a picture of when she was young, and her love of horses was just beginning.

As we discussed, here are some Facebook groups that should be helpful for laypersons and medical professionals who do not currently work in hospice.

End of Life Care and Bereavement: “Barbara Karnes, award-winning end of life educator and award-winningnurse, wrote “The Hospice Blue Book,” GONE FROM MY SIGHT, among others. Barbara has now created a personal forum where she answers your questions and offers education from her extraordinary knowledge on all areas of end of life care and bereavement.”

Hospice & End of Life Care Group: “This group has been created with the intent to educate, support, ask questions and share our challenges in relevance with death, dying, hospice, end of life care, grief, loss and or bereavement.”

As always don’t be afraid to reach out to me personally should you have any questions.

Phone feedback line: 816-834-9191

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Episode Six: Plan your work. Work your plan.

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For todays episode we discuss several ideas that will help us be more likely to happen to our days and weeks instead of our days and weeks happening to us.

We discuss the importance of having a new schedule every week. I am offering a free copy of the spreadsheet I have created to manage my caseload. You can visit the download page HERE. Please email me at if you have any problems getting the file to work.

Here is a quick overview of the concepts I discussed during this episode.

  1. New schedule every week.
  2. Start Early
  3. Plan the day
  4. Everything at the bedside
  5. Embrace the tension
  6. Start with the sickest patient – hardest work first
  7. Don’t waste waiting

For the readers out there, be sure to check out the Hospice Burnout series for my original articles.

Don’t forget to call or email to leave feedback! I would love to hear from you!


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Episode Five: Don’t Be A Hero

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For today’s show I discuss my own challenges with my hero complex, and how we can all get away from trying to be the hero in someone else’s story.

Click HERE to read the Avoiding Hospice Burnout series.

It is completely natural to become a central figure in the life of our dying patients and their family members. We have a lot of knowledge to share, and we have a lot of solutions to common problems.

It is our job to empower our caregivers and help them become the hero of the story.

Here are the 3 main tips I provide in this episode to help set up our caregivers as the hero.

  1. Focus on intentions, not results
    1. Please recognize your caregiver’s intentions
    2. Everyone has different levels of competency
    3. Reinforce good behavior
    4. Downplay mistakes
  2. Never be critical of your caregiver 
    1. Many caregivers are emotionally fragile
    2. It’s our job to coach them up
  3. Turn off your work phone after hours
    1. Give out your number, but make a fuss about it
    2. Help the caregiver and family become comfortable with the entire team
    3. You cannot be on call for your patients around the clock

Don’t forget to call or email to leave feedback! I would love to hear from you!


As promised here is a link to a YouTube video helping you learn how to use google voice.

Click HERE to watch on YouTube.

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Episode Four: Leadership Lessons From ETHOS COE

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In episode four of The Hospice Nursing Podcast we deviate from the burnout series and highlight some insights I learned at a recent leadership conference I attended.

A couple Saturday’s ago I attended a leadership conference hosted by the ETHOS Center of Excellence. Our speakers were Dr. Frank Armato and Dr. Barry Young. The conference was from 9am-3pm with 6 powerful sessions.

This workshop was called, “Becoming a Better Leader,” and in this episode I give a quick overview of each session and highlight some of the lessons I learned.

Session 1: Establishing a Purpose of Excellence

Session 2: The Power of Your Words

Session 3: Creating a Championship Mentality

Session 4: The Power of Your Thoughts

Session 5: The Discipline of Consistency

Session 6: The Power of Your Actions

To learn more about this conference you can visit

You can visit their registration page by clicking HERE!

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Episode Three: For The Record

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For episode 3 of The Hospice Nursing Podcast my first hospice mentor, Mike Barrett, returns to discuss what I believe is the biggest contributor to hospice nursing burnout.

Of all the complaints I hear from nurses regarding burnout and being overworked, charting is the main complaint.

In this episode, Mike and I try our best to debunk the reasons charting cannot be completed at the bedside. We also take some time to explain how to be successful with charting at the bedside.

For some context, please visit my second article in the “Avoiding Hospice Burnout” blog series called “Charting At The Bedside.”

As promised, here is the list of reasons we SHOULD NOT chart at the bedside.

***Debunking the lies***

  1. I can’t get to know my patient. 
    1. Hospice is 80% psychosocial and only 10% medical.
    2. Nothing is more important than connecting with our patients.
    3. You can do both!
  2. It’s rude to open your computer at the bedside.
    1. This is medicine now.
  3. There isn’t enough time to chart at the bedside.
    1. You will have to make time somewhere.
    2. Why cheat yourself or your family for a job?
    3. No job in America is worth losing your family?
  4. This EMR is too hard (only web based in the country)
    1. This can be done with MOST EMRs.

I mention the book “Choosing To Cheat” by Andy Stanley. Please click HERE to purchase this book.

Here are some suggestions to help you begin the bedside charting journey.

***Five Steps to successful charting at the bedside.***

  1. Train the patient
  2. Spend the first 15-20 minutes interacting and assessing
    1. Don’t crack the computer the minute you sit down.
    2. I understand the temptation. Especially if you have never done bedside charting.
  3. Charge your stuff at night
  4. Don’t type in every space
  5. Embrace the tension

For those of your who don’t chart at the bedside, what are the concerns you have that are keeping you from starting? Please share in your comments below our visit the About James page and find ways to connect with the show and share your opinion.

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Episode Two: The Power of Self Deception

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In this episode I introduce my very first hospice mentor, Mike Barrett. Mike explains what he saw in me and how I responded to his training when I first entered hospice in 2015.

I then share my own personal story of total financial collapse in 2007 & 2008 that resulted in my own deep depression, and how I managed to recover.

During the episode I explain the personal changes I made from 2008-2010 before returning to college in 2011 and pursing my nursing degree.

Mike and I discuss the power of intentionality in our lives, and how it is essential for success.

Don’t forget to reach out to the show with your questions and feedback!


Voicemail: 816-834-9191

Click HERE to check out The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews. It can change your life.

As promised here is the youtube video I created early in 2020 encouraging my friends and family to stay the course and not give up.

(This video is heaving in spiritual content and includes scriptures.)

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